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Nada’s Approach
Every dietitian adopts a specific approach with their patients, and Nada’s can be characterized by the following 8 attributes:
Positive Attitude

Nada is an optimistic person by nature. She has a positive outlook on life and will always find the right solution for any problem. She motivates her patients, helping them turn their challenges into opportunities, and their weaknesses into strengths.

Leading by Example

Having lived in many different countries, Nada always maintains a sense of acceptance and objectivity. She never judges her patients for their lifestyle choices and tries to lead by example by committing herself to healthy living and inspiring others to do the same.

Genuine Care

Inspired by people’s personal stories, Nada’s long experience has made her an excellent listener, one who gives patients plenty of time to talk about themselves, their goals and their dreams. To her, every new patient brings a renewed opportunity to share her passion for healthy living and touch people’s lives.

Ongoing Guidance

Nada goes the extra mile to make patients feel comfortable and establish a strong bond of trust with them. Patients get all the attention and guidance they need, throughout their journey, with Nada constantly following up on their progress through calls and WhatsApp.

Personalized Programs

No two people are alike. A firm believer in human diversity, Nada tailor-makes patient-centric dietary programs targeted at children, pregnant women, new mothers, people with health conditions, weight loss seekers and others. She works closely with patients on realistic plans that they can adopt and follow hassle-free.

Balanced Diets

Nada’s biggest joy is to teach her patients how they can enjoy leading a healthy life. She is against extreme diets and starvation which could cause serious health conditions. To her, a healthy diet is about balance not deprivation.

Holistic Transformational Journey

Sustainable positive change cannot happen overnight; it is a process that requires time and commitment. Nada tries to show every patient the root of their problem and work in a holistic way to solve it by suggesting a series of lasting lifestyle modifications, including a balanced diet, healthy cooking and exercise, instead of just focusing on weight loss.

Best Industry Practices

An avid seeker of knowledge, Nada is always researching new ideas, trends, applications, diets and hacks that could unlock the door to healthy living for her patients. She constantly updates her techniques to stay aligned with best industry practices and offer her patients result-oriented programs of international standards.