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Dr. Nada Salhab offers a comprehensive range of weight management services for children, adolescents and adults with the aim of guiding them towards a healthier lifestyle. Fluent in Arabic, English and French, she provides individualized diets, Medical Nutrition Therapy for special health conditions (diabetes, renal, pregnancy, cardiac, etc…), targeted programs for the prevention of obesity related diseases and one-on-one Nutrition Education.

To ensure the Doctor-Patient relation starts on a positive note, Dr. Nada will have an introductory call with her patient, whether over the phone or virtually to accommodate everyone’s schedule
Once introductions are made, an initial 60-minute consultation session is set, during which Dr. Nada listens to the patient, gathers information on their demographic profile, medical and diet history, daily meal plan, activity level, habits, supplements and medications. Then, she performs the Body Composition Assessment (measuring fat, muscle and water percentages; average energy expenditure; taking anthropometric measurements; etc…) using the Inbody scale to precisely determine the patient’s condition. Finally, she uses the collected information to set a target weight, suggest the required lifestyle changes / behavioral modifications and create a personalized and detailed diet plan tailored to meet the patient’s specific needs and requirements. If required, a Food Allergy Test can be administered during the session for an additional cost.
To monitor the patient’s progress, a 30-minute visit is scheduled. During this session, Dr. Nada re-assesses the patient’s body composition and makes dietary changes – if needed - to the initial plan to ensure the patient’s stays safely on track.
During a final consultation, Dr. Nada advises the patient on a Maintenance Diet that would allow them to be independent, to know what foods to choose, to determine portion sizes, to maintain the weight they lost and to fully embrace their new healthy lifestyle.
Keeping up with patients’ changing needs, Dr. Nada Salhab continuously suggests new packages that would best accommodate her patients. Request an Appointment today to know more about the Virtual Package and the Reshape Your Health & Body Package.